
All Chaparral Villain 2 Sport Boats for sale

- Stock #381134 - New 383 Stroker engine, updated lower unit, props, seats, and carpet, Ready for the water This 2006 Chaparral Sunesta 254 is a 26' deck boat in Denison, Texas. If you are looking for a boat large enough for up to 15 family and friends and with outstanding performance, this freshwater-only Sunesta is an excellent choice. The boat is stored indoors and looks great. The seller has made many improvements to the boat, including adding a wake tower and bimini, a snap-in carpet, and a stereo. The seller has also replaced the engine and outdrive since he has owned it and estima... read more

Location:Texas USA
Price: $42,489 Tax Not Paid
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ID: 751905  (Trade)

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