
All Chris-Craft Sportsman Sport Boats for sale

- Stock #180342 - Let's boat to the hop (Oh baby) let's boat to the hop. In a Vintage Woody! Class and Style like they used to make! Do you have a classic Truck? Shouldn't you also pull a classic boat behind it? Here is your chance to own a little part of history With this 1951 Chris Craft sportsman. Fine wood styling with sleek 50's lines makes this boat a for sure head-turner. Interior upholstery is in perfect condition and how hot is all that chrome? If she had wheels she would rip and if she had wings how she would fly. This boat is sporting a West System bottom so you know she flo... read more

Location:Idaho USA
Price: $20,750 Tax Not Paid
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ID: 608099  (Trade)

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